National Society Development

National Society Development

The main role of the National Society Development (NSD) department is to support efficient service delivery to the most vulnerable through staff and volunteers in regions and branches countrywide

Key Thematic Areas

The department implements the following thematic areas:

Institutional Development
The programme provides the crucial link between the Headquarters and the Branches and among the programmes. The programme takes into account the decentralization concept and process, which emphasizes establishing regional offices, strengthening the capacity of Branches and empowering them. The department supports the institutional development of branches and volunteer management. Volunteers are trained in leadership skills so that they are better equipped to serve the vulnerable in their respective communities. The programme also facilitates Twinning Co-operation between local branches and branches of other National Societies for mutual capacity building and international understanding. This ensures that a strong 47 branch network links the grassroots units and the headquarters.
The programme promotes the understanding of Red Cross Movement’s Fundamental Principles, humanitarian values, International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and activities of the KRCS. This is to ensure that these ideals are understood, respected and applied throughout Kenya. The programme also carries out campaigns on different themes as may be designed by the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement e.g. campaign on Red Cross/ Red Crescent emblem.
The department also engages in strengthening the oversight and strategic direction to the organization through regular governance platforms, where issues are deliberated and feedback provided. The objective is to provide high-level support to KRCS branches and regional teams, both at management and governance level, to help steer a robust leadership towards sustainability. In the Governance Structure we have County, Regional and National levels. The Organization is led by Elected Governor. See our Leadership.
Membership & Volunterism
Members and Volunteers are the backbone of Kenya Red Cross Society Volunteerism has proven to be a powerful and cross-cutting means of implementation within the KRCS contributing to the success of our National Society and assisting millions of vulnerable people in times of need. The department works to increase the membership and volunteer base as well as enhancing recruitment, engagement, deployment, capacity building and retention of volunteers. Become a Volunteer or a Member.

About Us

Kenya Red Cross Society is a humanitarian relief organization, created through an act of parliament CAP256 of the laws of Kenya

We are auxiliary to the National and County Governments and work to alleviate human suffering and preserve life and human dignity.