Disaster Management

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Refugee Operations

Kenya Red Cross has two refugee operation programmes in both Dadaab, Garissa and Kalobeyei in Turkana. This operation is in partnership with UNHCR and will continue under the Auspices of…

Tracing Programme

The restoring and maintaining of family links (RFL) remains a key component of Disaster Management (DM) for the organization and this theme is coordinated both during emergencies and also within…

Water Sanitation and Hygiene

In its quest to contribute to sustainable improvement in livelihood among the most vulnerable communities through provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Disaster Management

The department provides immediate relief to affected populations to save lives, protect livelihoods, and strengthen recovery from disasters and crises

About Us

Kenya Red Cross Society is a humanitarian relief organization, created through an act of parliament CAP256 of the laws of Kenya

We are auxiliary to the National and County Governments and work to alleviate human suffering and preserve life and human dignity.